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Some of these sites are weekly stops, some I visit only occasionally. This is not just a dump of my bookmarks, and I have given my weenie little reason for including each one.
As I've said, humor is one of my favorite things, but being challenged to think ranks just as high.
All these bookmarks open in their own browser window. Kind of an ego thing, I do this so you can easily return to my site. I use this multiple window technique all the time, holding down on the mouse button for the pop-up window. On Windows, use the right mouse button.
The Edge Sometimes I am challenged enough to get a braincramp here. Fairly friendly to use considering the amount of content.
The Economist Something I consider a "must read". They lost the frames layout... This site was so awkward with their frames implementation. I like the Economist's dedication to clear writing and strong opinions.
Dan Gillmor Not afraid to speak his mind, and a clear thinker on the Microsnot/Facebook/Google problem.

Strawberry Pop-Tart Blow-Torches My first bookmark. This still makes me laugh. Quite typical of early web sites. Ah, the good old days. Note the date on the page. This one makes me laugh out-loud. This one also no longer exists. Formerly the "Capt. James T. Kirk SingaLong Site". The author of this site had songs from Shatner's ground breaking album "The Transformed Man" a must for collectors of really, really bad art. Shatner was a hero from my youth— and another dream is shattered. Or is that Shatnered?
You can still find a couple of the songs from "Iron Chef" Bill Shatner at Youtube where he "sings" Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. The comments are fantastic.
Science Made Stupid This guy is clever. Many a mirthful moment has been spent making my roommates in college wonder about me. I have a print copy of this book, and treasure it. "Warping the very fabric of space—hand wash, drip dry."ook

This is is no longer available as a book but it and it's companion volume "Cvltvre Made Stvpid" are available for download at this web site.

Conceived to help give me something to do by Alana Anne
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