Fine Art Photography
San Francisco Peninsula Visual Hiking Guide
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I've been fascinated by the Moon and stars since I was a kid. I'm told by my family that I used to ask to be taken outside in the evening and I would point at the Moon and say, "Moonga, moonga..." Now, if that wasn't a budding astronomer. I even wanted to major in astronomy in college. That is until I found that astronomy is mostly math and I dislike at math. So I majored in Anthropology, so I could talk about why I was so interested in astronomy.
I bought my first telescope in the later 60's, a 3" 15 refractor. I still have it, although I have purchased all new Lanthanum eyepieces to accomadate my poor vision. I'm going to buy another scope or two in the next few years. I hope. I now live in Portland, know to be overcast.
I don't intend to do much astrophotography, the Hubble does so well, but I'm going to put up some astro related photos. THis now that amateur astrophoto has gotten really good.

Moon, Venus and Jupiter over the Santa Clara Valley
August 17, a Friday morning. It had been cloudy all week and this was one of the last days I was house-sitting in Los Altos Hills. Got lucky I guess. I shot this with my 20mm Nikkor and there is much more detail than is visible in this small image. Earlier in July Venus was occulted by the moon. Here it is about to happen: